Step 1: Well obviously to start you need your coffee. You can brew it how you want and put it in extra ice trays. Usually there isn't a problem with this as far as staining the trays, but don't take my word on that one.
Step 2: Once you have your frozen coffee cubes (usually you have to put them in the freezer overnight), figure out how much you want to make. For about a small-medium sized slushie it's about seven normal sized cubes.
Step 3: Toss your cubes into a blender or whatever it is you happen to be using to grind them up. Add in your sugar (she put in about a teaspoon, but this depends on your preference for how sweet you want it).
Step 4: Depending on your amount of cubes, add in your milk. Fill it about to just below the top of the top cubes. She used about a cup for the seven cubes in hers.
Step 6: After you've added all your ingredients, start the blender (or whatever you're using) and blend until it's at the consistency that you want. There usually is one or two small cubes that don't grind up all the way. You can try to grind these up better, but it takes a bit of work.
Finished product |

YUM! :)